Hello World
Independent Product
Helping new members get oriented with the organization while making meaningful contributions to the Dev Launchers platform!
Web Dev
Agile Development
Frontend Development
Social Media
Web Design
Product Lead
Product Created: Date
Infinity - -Infinity hrs/week


New members joining the organization are able to learn while contributing to different areas of our platform based on their interests, building out meaningful features and insights while being introduced to important concepts. This team owns everything on the site/platform that other teams don't. After team members are familiar with the platform and our resources, they move on to be placed on existing teams or begin their own!


Getting Started? Check this stuff out!

Important Links For Everyone:

For Developers:

About Our Volunteers

You’re someone who cares about technology and the people whose lives it shapes. You’re looking to build something that matters alongside like-minded people. You are excited, ready to learn, and looking to grow.

About Dev Launchers

Dev Launchers is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to preparing people from diverse backgrounds to tackle future-proof careers. We are made up of people just like you.

Positions Available

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"Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination." - Daniel Bell
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