Platform Team

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Provide the underlying internal components required by our cross-functional teams to deliver higher-level services and functionalities.


This team is all about creating a stable, well-defined framework for other teams in the organization to utilize. This is done via developing shared components and functionalities, along with providing support and guidance to other teams in order to assist them in getting up to speed using the framework.

  • Collaborate with our product and feature teams
  • Ensure the platform is developed in line with customer requirements. Build the platform incrementally
  • Build and deploy in increments and secure frequent feedback and validation from users and other cross-functional teams. Focus on usability
  • Provide platforms that are easy to use via self-service capabilities and supporting documentation. Commit to support and maintenance
  • Ensure the platform’s sustainability and uptime, and commit to appropriate service-level agreements. Lead by example

Open Roles

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Image of Team member
Mohammed MaqbolTechnical LeadSend Email
Image of Team member
David BradhamTechnical LeadSend Email


Image of Team member
Tiago GdBackend Developer

Join and support this project!

Our platform is being developed by a core group of our members: a team of people from a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels who are all learning while building.

Join our mission!

We are looking for sponsors to fund the financial costs of different operations, with your help we can build a better product!